Friday, September 2, 2011

From Desk Geek to Bare Feet Running Shoes Enthusiast

            Today is a post on where I came from and what gave me the motivation to become a bare feet running shoes kind of guy. To give you some background on who I am, is that not only am I a computer geek that loves his share of video games, but I'm just head over heels over various philosophies that practicably can be applied to my life. It isn't enough for me to just be healthy physically, because what is physical health when it comes to inward health. So me in a nutshell is that I spend a lot of time at my computer desk, either studying philosophy, playing video games and in my other times I go out with good company and enjoy nights out. My story may be very similar to a lot of other bare feet running junkies as the common question of wanting to feel that utter freedom of self-contentment and it may be something that may be coming up from the depths of your noggins as well.
            I will say this though, is that I went from 165lbs and over the course of a year and half of living behind the desk as a desk geek (and having a girlfriend) I exceed my goal weight of 175lbs. I totally passed it up and hit 185lbs. It was shocking to me that it could happen in such a flash. It turns out my general health was being neglected both physically and mentally. This is where I turned to bare feet running to help me pick myself back up. See, being a computer desk geek doesn't mean that you have to be unhealthy (the misconception of us geeks is that we are fat slobs, and that just isn't true right guys?!)
So I picked myself back up and bought a pair of Harauche Sandals from and began my endeavor in recovering from the lull of my life back into freedom. Every run was filled with suprises in my new bare feet running shoes and slowly my body began to take shape again. This began to motivate me more as my posture began to correct itself, I began to also consume better foods, and drink healthier drink such as Bolthouse Farms fast variety of deliciously healthy drinks that I replaced instead of drinking soda (I used the protein based ones to take within 30 minutes after waking up for metabolic starting reasons, and the fruit and veggie ones for fillers so i wouldn't feel as hungry throughout the day). There was also one other things that I chose over soda which came after my runs for recovery purposes and I truly feel it help my body get back to more of its natural state which was the secret bare feet running tribe Tarahumara chia seed drink.

            One more thing that got me to where I am today is a very small workout that I learned from Tim Ferris which was the kettle bell swing workout which minimum effective dose was twice a week and having enough weight to get to 75 swings without stopping. Once I would get to 75 swings I would up the weight and continue until I could reach 75 swings consecutive again. This workout is as minimal as it gets to get good results and works out your core and lower back... and well pretty much everything. The best thing about this work out is that it literally takes 5-10 minutes of physically intensive work and you're good to go! Now I sit here blogging to all you desk geeks out there, that there are things in which take a little change in lifestyle, and not even a huge difference in time management that can get you to your happy place. For me, within a month reached my target weight that I had always wanted to be which is 175lbs and am stable and happy there. My goal was to be happy with myself and this is what came out of it, and I cherish every moment I live in my life and take advantage of the opportunities that I have whether its being able to run in a nice pair of bare feet running shoes or whether its playing games or hanging out with friends. I no longer have to worry about those feelings of being un happy and unhealthy because I know that I'm truly not and that all my content-ness is within and no one can take that away from me. To finish this post off I will give you the lifestyle changes I made from being an un-healthy desk geek, to a super human desk geek below for your convenience:
            One last thing I want to leave you with is that I am currently waiting on vivobarefoots bare feet running shoes model Ultra to come in the mail in order to test them out and do a review on them and am pretty stoked about that. I was very pleased with my dharma bare feet running shoes.
vivobarefoot bare feet running shoes ultras
image courtesy vivobarefoot

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